October is here, and once again we are celebrating National Disability Employment Awareness Month (#NDEAM). Reflecting a commitment to a robust and competitive American labor force, the 2019 National Disability Employment Awareness Month (NDEAM) theme is “The Right Talent, Right Now.” Observed each October, NDEAM celebrates the contributions of workers with disabilities and educates about the value of a workforce inclusive of their skills and talents.T
Please help us in highlighting the accomplishments of all people with disabilities who are employed or have their own business by submitting success stories. We had a great response last year, and are now in search of more great stories as well as updates!
Success stories can be submitted through the following link: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/666Z55P.
October 11, 2019: A Purpose and A Living – Jackie L.
Jackie has met with some obstacles in her life but has always stayed focused on her goal of getting an education and working hard. Before graduating she became involved in her school’s intern program to help prepare her for the job she wanted.

Shortly after finishing school, Jackie succeeded in her goal of getting a job, and worked at the Cosmic Café. She has worked there for a few years, and her employer acknowledges she is an excellent employee. Cosmic Café is a seasonal café though, and Jackie continued to look for a second job to provide her with an income in the winter months.

In July of 2019 Jackie was hired at Wawa. Since both jobs were part-time, she was able to work out a schedule that allowed her to keep both jobs. It is important to Jackie that she can keep both jobs since they give her a purpose and allow her to earn a living.
~Submitted by Quality Progressions