Work It Wednesday!
Continuing our conversation about success on the job, and the belief that recognition for a job well done should happen throughout the year, we are sharing success stories once a month. We are calling this “Work It Wednesdays”, and offer today’s story.
If you wish to share a success story with us, please send them care of Michelle Sparling at
Networking Into Opportunity…
September 4, 2019 – Andrew Vizuete.
Fifteen years with a company. Nowadays, this is not heard of too often, but the road getting there was not without its challenges.
Growing up, Andrew Vizuete attended Widener Memorial School and it was through the OT (Occupational Therapy) department he was able to develop a love for computers. When he graduated, he attended Community College of Philadelphia for a few years but came to feel it was not the right fit for him. He went on to another school for a computer science certification and felt he was where he needed to be.
A curveball came when the school went out of business and the only next step he could think of: find a job. He applied to Office of Vocational Rehabilitation (OVR) services, which then connected him to Networks for Training and Development, Inc. At the beginning, Andrew thought all he could do was be a Walmart greeter. However, Networks supported him through a discovery process to provide Andrew the confidence needed surrounding his computer skills. He went on different job trials and for one reason or another, never got the job. It was four long years.
On the verge of giving up, Andrew found himself networking into a position. Networks was looking for someone to do computer work. After talking with OVR, Networks offered him the job.
Since 2004, Andrew has been the IT Support and Service Specialist for Networks for Training and Development, Inc. He helps design Networks’ many marketing materials. He updates training listings, website calendar, and Facebook page. Andrew’s position has evolved and he also evaluates different locations for accessibility. Andrew assists with presentations, demonstrating his use of various Assistive Technologies. Outside of work, Andrew has many interests such as watching sports, TV and movies, listening to music, and having fun.
“Don’t worry about what you can’t do, but what you can do.” – Andrew Vizuete
~Submitted by Andrew Vizuete and his team