As part of our belief that recognition for a job well done should happen throughout the year, we are sharing success stories once a month. We are calling this #workitwednesday — and offer this month’s story.
If you wish to share a success story with us, please send them care of Michelle Sparling at michelles@networksfortraining.org.
Unleashing Your Potential…
February 6, 2019 – Ron Mintz

Ron unleashed his potential, using his volunteer experiences and community connections to advocate for himself and get the job he wanted.
Ron volunteered at a local shelter through SPIN’s Community Participation services. He volunteered at Rescue Purrfect, spending time socializing the cats and making sure they got the attention they so badly needed. Ron wanted to get a job at the shelter, and set out to show he could do more. He began taking on more duties, feeding the animals, cleaning up, and more. The staff at Rescue Purrfect saw all that Ron could do and encouraged him to apply for a position. Impressed with his work ethic, the manager recently offered him a job at Rescue Purrfect, where Ron now gets paid for doing a job he loves!
~Submitted by SPIN Inc.