Celebrating Our Successes!
Reflecting the important role that different perspectives play in workforce success, this year’s National Disability Employment Awareness Month (NDEAM) theme is “Inclusion Drives Innovation.” Observed each October, NDEAM celebrates the contributions of workers with disabilities and educates about the value of a workforce inclusive of their skills and talents.
The Philadelphia “Employment 1st, Employment NOW!” Steering Committee is celebrating this year’s event with a month of employment success stories. Each day you will be receiving an email containing a new story about someone who is contributing to their community through employment. We invite you to join us as we celebrate their successes!
The “Boonie Groove”!
Dwayne Boone is a self-employed artist. Dwayne’s work is available on Amazon.com and in regional markets. @DwayneBoone #BoonieGroove#EmploymentFirstPA#NationalDisabilityAwarenessMonth#EveryDayLives #muralartsPhiladelphia#underdogs
View the complete slideshow description and full transcript below.
Title Slide: Introducing the Boonie Groove. Quote from Dwayne Boon, from The Boonie Groove Manifesto, “Focus on your goal. There is no competition.”
Slide 2: Dwayne Boone sitting, “The Boonie Groove is a way to live in the world.”
Slide 3: Image of Dwayne at a construction site downtown, “That focuses on harmony, community, hard work, and wellness.”
Slide 4: Dwayne painting on a large canvas, “The Groove measures success not by competition but by creation and inclusion.”
Slide 5: Dwayne sitting at a display of his artwork, “Dwayne lives the Groove by connecting to himself and others.”
Slide 6: Dwayne with a customer, “His merchandise makes his customers happy.”
Slide 7: Picture of T-shirt created by Dwayne, “And spreads the message of the Groove into online markets and more.”
Slide 8: Picture of Dwayne, “Dwayne is planning on growing his business and spreading more joy…”
Slide 9: Dwayne hanging up some T-shirts on a display rack, “…Hard work is its own reward.”
– submitted by RHD ID8